Is Your`s an Amazing Universe`

Released on: March 18, 2008, 12:19 pm

Press Release Author: Jan Collinson - Amazing Universe

Industry: Energy

Press Release Summary: Are you creating your own life and all that\'s in it?
If you\'re not - then WHO Is ? !!!

Press Release Body: Jan says '\"Like many people, I have always been interested in
the \'Bigger Picture\' - always believing that there was much more to life than we
knew and were ever taught in school. During my twenties, I began to explore the more
active and physical side of spirituality, in Yoga and massage and as I slowly moved
over the years to study the more subtle and much deeper practices, I found a more
comfortable place of quiet knowing, hearing my inner voice better and learning to
live with more balance and in Higher Self, I began to study Energy and how it
affected every one of us, every minute of every day. I became hooked - totally awe
struck and amazed at how our World really worked. I developed a passion for sharing
the learnings and hopefully inspiring other people (especially those who are seeking
the jigsaw pieces to make up their own unique spiritual picture) to explore the
World of Energy Medicine and the Higher Realms, and experience the Wonderful feeling
of Walking with Spirit and being realigned with our purpose - Living With Joy!\"
Do you ever feel as if Life is a lucky dip and you pulled the short straw?
Its an exhausting task - swimming against the tide of life. Feeling like a tiny
bobbing boat on a massive ocean - just waiting for the next calm sea or black storm.
I know. I\'ve been that little boat for most of my life - that was until I began to
discover - that actually I did have the ability to direct my own life. I had choices
and could indeed live as I wished to live. What a relief - I could stop being a
salmon, swimming upstream and begin to float along with the current of life.
STOP ! ( I can hear you saying - it\'s alright for others - I could never do that)
YOU CAN - You already have the power and ability inside of you. We all do!
Many people are now becoming open to the possibility of co-creating their own lives,
manifesting their dreams and bringing about long held wishes and desires.
Its not a secret (and many of you may have already read The Secret) but there is a
bit more to it than filling in a catalogue order form and hey presto, there it is.
People have been using energy to manifest and create since the beginning of time- in
fact I have been doing this very thing since the tender age of six years old and
never knew it WAS a secret !!
Many of my students tell me they have tried this creating and it doesn't work most
of the time - or even not at all. 'What am I doing wrong' 'I\'m no good at this'
They've been saying.
They\'re doing nothing wrong - they just haven't been given the whole picture.
The problem is we create so many of our own road blocks and keep tripping ourselves
up over and over again - never knowing how to really shift them - or even recognize
them in the first place. There are a whole multitude of blocks and memories,
illusions and beliefs to clear out before there is even room for anything else to
flow in.
I\'ve spent the last thirty years doing exactly that, tripping myself up, creating a
half a picture only to have it whisked away before it actually arrived physically.
Its been a long process and now looking back - I have to smile at how naïve and
sometimes hopelessly determined to trip myself up I\'ve been !!
I guess the only way to learn is to experience it?
And so now I feel I have reached the point where I have to share all the teachings
and channellings to help us start to take real responsibility for our own lives in
the form of energy medicine, healing and manifesting. Its time to be totally honest
with ourselves about what we want from our lives .and its time to get it.
Everything has come together like a giant jigsaw puzzle. The timing is perfect and I
am at last listening when I get a very large Angelic push from behind - I am now
planning the dates for new meetings and workshops to share these amazing teachings
with all the wonderful lightworkers and lightshiners on our Amazing Planet Earth.
If you\'d like to share with us - please get in touch.
Many Blessings

Jan Collinson is a Yoga & Energy Medicine Teacher and works mainly throughout UK and
Western Europe and also now teaches in New Zealand, Australia, and the USA.
She trained with The British Wheel Of Yoga and has also studied and worked with a
whole spectrum of Complementary Therapies and Spirit during the last thirty years,
from Ayurvedic Massage, Quantum Touch Healing, Manifesting & Creating Your Own Life
to CCDH (Crystal Clear Diamond Healing), EFT & Communicating With Angels.

Web Site:

Contact Details: Amazing Universe
East Yorkshire
Tel: 08454 210250

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